Start supporting local reforestation today



Chrome Carbon is a reforestation program designed by and for automotive enthusiasts and eco-conscious drivers.

By constraint or by choice, many of us drive petrol vehicles. And a small minority of us are passionate about them, the emotions they create and the people they connect us to.

Chrome Carbon is about facing our responsibility and enjoying our passion honestly by voluntarily funding reforestation to, at least, the level of what our vehicles emit.

We know there is no silver bullet to fix climate change. But if we start our engines, we believe that it is the least we can do.

For us, it is not an option, it is a responsibility.

Chrome Carbon Founder



Chrome Carbon is a proud partner of Hagerty, the world's largest provider of specialty insurance for classic vehicles, for which we power their Enthusiast Carbon Offset (ECO) program.

Overcrest Spring Rally 2024

More than 2,700 trees funded for this edition.

Overcrest Winter Rally 2023

More than 3,300 trees funded for this edition.

California MIlle 2024

More than 2,600 trees funded for this edition.

Greenhich Concours 2023

More than 30 trees funded for this edition.

Amelia Island Concours 2023

More than 1,000 trees funded for this edition.

California Mille 2023

More than 2,200 funded for this edition.

Discover some of our partners’ projects, restoring unique and vital forest systems and increasing the capacity of our forests to act as carbon sinks.



Kirtland’s Warbler Jack Pine Planting, Michigan, USA

14,327 trees funded in this project aiming at supporting reforestation and planting Jack pine in the Hiawatha National Forest.

Species Conservation and Restoration, South East, USA

15,369 trees funded in this project aiming at addressing barriers to restore longleaf pine on large-acreage private lands.

State Wide Wildfire Restoration, Oregon & Washington, USA

12,732 trees funded in this project aiming at reforesting lands that were burnt during the 2020 devastating fire.

Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada

495 trees funded this project aiming at bringing back two old “borrow pits” to their original forest cover.

Larose Forest, Ontario,

471 trees funded in this project focusing on the re-introduction of originally endemic tree species.

Afforestation and reforestation, British Columbia, Canada

506 trees funded in this project aiming to reforest hectares of disturbed and ecologically degraded land.


in touch

If you are an individual looking to act on your emissions and have questions or if you are a company or a leader looking to empower your community to make an impact and want to know more, get in touch.